
Just so it's posted...

I spent the last week in February in the Philippines.  And by the Philippines, I mean I flew into Manila with Kelly on the 1st day, then flew to Cebu island on the 2nd day and went diving for the rest of the week.  So really, I didn’t go to the Philippines – I went diving on Cebu.  And it was FABULOUS. 

CLICK HERE for the pictures of the diving.  I must say it was MUCH better than the diving we did in Thailand simply because of the diversity of marine life we found.  From sharks to sea horses to snakes – we NEVER ran out of things to see.  And the visibility in the water, for the most part, was absolutely amazing. 

For what it may be worth to anyone, we also got certified to dive with enriched air – also called NITROX.  It basically means that we can stay down deeper, longer… which comes in handy, for example, if you have to go down to 70 feet to look for sharks.  And when the sharks show up after you’ve been down for 20 minutes, you can stay and play for another 30 minutes while everyone else has to go up after only 5 more minutes.

Anyway, the trip was wonderful and I can’t wait to go back and check out more!  And I don’t know how to end this right now… so bye (:

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