
Scuba Duba - 2

This last weekend Kelly, Pat, and I went diving. I had a number of firsts. It was the first time I dove after getting my certification. It was the first time I stayed under for more than 30 minutes. It was the first time I was able to use my camera case so I could take pictures underwater. And it was the first time I came back from a weekend of diving without bruised and blood-shot eyes. (Whoop, in particular, to that last one...)

The diving conditions were exceptional! Visibility was around 15-20 meters the whole weekend, and the surface was like glass. It was definitely a much better experience than the first time and it truly was the relaxing weekend of diving that I talked about a couple of posts ago. I really enjoy diving, and I am so lucky that I'm getting this experience. (:

Young Min and his giant underwater camera... above water.

Pat, our fearless teacher and life saver.

Young Min and his giant underwater camera... underwater.

Random sea star I was swimming by.

The boat coming to pick us up after our first dive on Sunday. Obviously cloudy, but oh so calm!

Welp, that's about all for now. Lately I've been trying to analyze our presidential candidates and figure out what the best solution to our economic crisis would be. Please feel free to give me your insight if you are so inclined. I find it rather complicated...

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